Benzodiazepine and Z drug prescribing

This folder brings together several resources clinicians can use to support the appropriate use and review of benzodiazepines and Z-drugs. Risks associated with the long-term use of these medicines have been well recognised for many years and include falls, accidents, cognitive impairment, dependence, withdrawal symptoms.

Before prescribing a hypnotic or benzodiazepine for sleep, non-pharmacological measures should be considered and recommended. Sleepio is recommended by NICE for treating insomnia in primary care for people who would otherwise be offered sleep hygiene or medication. More information about sleep and the provision of Sleepio by Frimley Health and Care can be found here

Information about equivalent doses of oral benzodiazepines can be found here

Information about driving while taking prescribed medication can be found here

NICE's Clinical Knowledge Summary on this topic can be found  here